Finally, it’s Christmas season again! The smell of fresh baked cookies and hot Glühwein, an icy wind blows through the streets and the Christmas markets open their counters and fascinates us with the most fancy gift ideas and delicious treats.
Our office is just in front of the Christmas market and we have a beautiful view of on of the world largest Christmas tree.

But how did it get there?
Back to the beginning: Like every year, our Christmas tree is placed quite early. So let’s have a look on the internet to check out the find out the opening times of our (attention double meaning) dealer of trust.
” It’s just very rainy, but that is not going to stop us. We can carry the Christmas tree on the roof!”
“On the roof?” my girlfriend asks “My Mazda doesn’t have a roof rack, or even a fixation for it!”
“We’re taking my car. It’s better for daily use!” Just put the base carrier on the Porsche and here we go!*
Transporting a Christmastree on a 911 Carrera GTS
Arrived in Westhemmerde we first had a hot chocolate and a waffle. After a short chit-chat about the bad weather, we went straight to looking for the perfect tree. “1.70 – 1.80. So it should be as long as me!” Have two Christmas trees showed and then fell for the third one. Now it was time to fix on the 911. With far too many straps we went up and we only needed 2 straps and luggage tightener.
It is actually not that complicated to fix a tree on the roof. Especially if you own the base carrier. By the way: If you want to borrow one, feel free to get in touch with us!
So a knot here, a loop there, shortly rattled for the safe feeling and let’s go. First we drove a little bit slow, then we became safer by the minute and so the first highway curves and driveways came up, where the 408 PS gave the spiders, which we don’t need at home, a new home at the roadside.

Arriving in Dortmund and some photos of passing cars later, we were excited to see reactions of the passengers. You don’t see a Porsche 911 carrying a Christmastree every day. But we never expected such positive reactions. At almost every traffic light a mobile phone was pulled out for photos.
Even our tree was happy. Anyway, it took him quite a while till he his branches fell back.
So is it possible to carry a Christmas tree on a sports car?
Absolutely!. And you better do the same. Because there are many happy people who are ready to enjoy the Christmastree transport together with you during the stressful time.
There’s really nothing wrong with it. I’m really careful about the varnish, but I couldn’t find any scratches or other signs of the Transport.
What does it take to transport a Christmas tree on the Roof?
- A base carrier, which you can also borrow from us
- Two ropes
- Two luggage tighteners
“So the Christmastree at the Dortmund Christmas market was also transported on your Porsche?”
Well, this would probably have been possible, because even this Christmas tree is made of many single trees. But going to the Rothaar Mountains countless times would take more time than we have. Merry Christmas to all of you, have a blessed time with your beloved ones! Join our Instagram, to see more pictures of us carrying the Christmas tree!
Ps.: Driving in the rain was also possible without using the Wet Mode! 🙂
*We will also add a post about the base carrier installation on Porsche models. Thanks to Ralf from the car dealer at Phönixsee for helping us. It’s all about Teamwork in Dortmund!