Design process of our roof box

Design process of our roof box

Roof box design is one thing in itselfWhat makes a roof box design?If you look at current models, they are very interchangeable in design. If they stand out, it’s because of exaggerated lines that don’t match the modern design language of the automotive...


Autobegeistert, the german word for Car EnthusiasticParking – walking a few steps – looking around. According to a saying “If you don`t look back after you park it, you have the wrong car”, we don`t just see the cars as a box with four wheels...
Update to 56 Nord Roof Box

Update to 56 Nord Roof Box

News from Sweden to 56°North! As we already announced in December 2018, in our article “Has 56°North already packed up again?”, we will stay on 56 Nord. We still want to know if those roof boxes made of ABC and Carbon do really exist. In order to get new...